Personal profile
Ann Foster ITEC, NCH, MCAM, CTC.
Wellness Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past life regression therapist
Ann began her journey as a Spiritual Healer through a bizarre set of circumstances in her early teens. Which lead to her being invited to join an established group of spiritual healers who met every Sunday evening at her local Spiritual church. Their down to earth teaching gave Ann a solid foundation to move forward into becoming a holistic therapist, and continuing her love and passion for helping and supporting people through the most testing times of their lives.

By 1989 Ann had already completed her training in: Spiritual healing, Chakra and colour therapy. Then after attending evening classes on the use of essential oils and basic massage techniques, Ann was hooked! By 1992 Ann had completed her ITEC training in Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Aroma-therapy.
This enabled Ann to start up her own holistic health practice.
However, the journey didn’t stop there for Ann and the yearning for learning continued, and she went onto gain qualifications in Reflexology ITEC, Sports Massage Diploma ITEC, and Crystal Therapy.
However, it was after experiencing the benefits of hypnotherapy for herself in the late 90’s and a chance meeting with Delores Cannon. Ann was truly inspired and realised that this was actually the missing link, the key to physical health and mental well-being.
Ann made the decision to take a different career path in 2000 and gained qualifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy, including Past Life Regression, Spiritual counselling and life coaching.
As well as running a successful holistic practice in Guildford Surrey, Ann was fortunate to be given the opportunity to become a part time tutor for Adult Education teaching Aroma-therapy, Reflexology, Crystal therapy, from 1997 to 2005, during this time Ann completed the City & Guilds 7307 in teaching.
Ann was later to become the Lead tutor at the Harry Edwards Healing College in Shere in Guildford Surrey teaching Spiritual healing to diploma level from 2012 up until 2019.

Since moving to Dartmoor Ann has continued her work as a wellness coach using the wealth of knowledge and experience she has gained over her thirty years in the complementary health industry, as well as teaching and inspiring others to become part of the complementary health community, offering courses/ workshops on a variety subjects.