​Developing The Intuitive Mind
Developing The Intuitive Mind
Are you ready to explore and experience the true power of your intuition?
Do you want to know to tap into your unique abilities?
Then this intuition-development course is for you.
This course will guide you into an exploration of your intuitive and psychic abilities.
During this 10 weeks you will learn through visualisation, meditation, exercises and discussion how to:
Sense and expand your energy field
Close down, ground and protect
Work with and learn about your chakras
Look at any blocks in your energy field that may be holding you back from aligning yourself to positive opportunities
Access information through universal intelligence, the archangels and your spirit guides and helpers
Work on your psychic abilities, with psychic exercises and tools to develop your abilities
Give simple psychic readings to other class members
Convey information accurately and responsibly
Please have with you a deck of oracle cards - any deck that you resonate with.
This course is open to anyone that genuinely looking to awaken their own inner wisdom, and is your first step on the path of spiritual development.
This is a 10 week course which will start in start in Spring 2024, each lesson will start at 7pm and finish at 9pm. Dates to be confirmed
Investment £150.00