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Crystal Therapy

Certificate in Crystal Therapy

Certificate in Crystal Therapy
This one year part-time course is open to those who wish only to develop skill and knowledge in the use of crystals for personal development.
Students who successfully complete the Certificate course may upgrade their qualification to Diploma level at a later date.

Mode of study

  • 7 tutor-led experiential weekend workshops

  • Post workshop assignments

Full investment of one year course: £700

Methods of payment

  1. In full, on registration

  2. By instalment, using standing order mandate

Weekend Summary Sheet

Workshop 1

Introduction to Crystals

This highly experiential workshop has been designed to introduce you to working with crystal energy.  You will learn the basic techniques of choosing, cleansing, programming and attuning to crystals.  In addition, you will begin to learn how crystals interact with the human energy field and how they influence the subtle bodies.


Workshop 2

Crystal Systems
Discover how crystals are formed and why they have different inner structures.  You will learn to identify crystals from each of the different systems and families and practise with a wide variety of different crystal formations.


Workshop 3

Crystals, Chakras and Colour
A fascinating workshop giving insights into the links between the chakra system, the endocrine system, colour and crystals.  You will be introduced to the techniques of colour breathing and use crystals to work specifically with the Base and Sacral chakras.  In addition, you will learn diagnostic techniques using hand scanning and a pendulum.


Workshop 4

Chakra Association
This workshop builds on the skill and knowledge gained in Workshop 3 and focuses on the links between crystals, colour, the endocrine system and their association to the Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat and Third Eye chakras.

Workshop 5

Crown Chakra Association
The Crown chakra establishes our link to the Universal Energy Field and our higher levels of consciousness.  This workshop explores how crystals can safely be used to activate and balance the Crown chakra and so contribute to our personal growth and development.  In particular, the focus will be on the use of specialist crystals to bring mental, emotional, physical and spiritual balance.


Workshop 6

Client Consultation Techniques
This workshop covers the vital client skills of consultation, Role Recognition and the use of guided visualisation.  In addition, you will be shown how to keep client records to professional standards to ensure compliance with regulatory bodies.  Further practical work to develop skill and confidence will also be undertaken.


Workshop 7

Healing Layouts
This final workshop of Year 1 is designed to help you bring together all you have learned and practised so far.  Students will work in pairs to consolidate and develop skill and confidence in conducting full client consultations which includes the giving of healing layouts using appropriate crystals.



  1. All workshops are practical and experiential.  Students will work both individually and in pairs to develop skill, knowledge and confidence.

  2. Support notes will be provided for each workshop.

  3. Workshop Programme for Year 2 will be issued after initial enrolment.

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